CSS is like Tetris through text commands

One of my favorite pics from that Blink 182 show. Idk why really, I’ve just never been that close to the cameraman lol

Cameraman and crew recording concert in a full stadium.

You can't say that on Youtube!

George Carlin had that list of dirty words you couldn’t say on TV back in the 70’s. Record labels release edited versions of hit songs to clean them up for radio. Movies are always censored to remove nudity and profanity for TV.

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Those weren't the best years of your life

Steve Buscemi as the Fellow Kids guy, holding a skateboard and wearing a backwards ball cap with his MUSIC BAND t-shirt

My generation is pretty bad about not wanting to grow up. We talk about how we “just can’t adult today,” or how our parents seemed so grown up when they were in their 30s but we still feel like kids.

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Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.

Representatives for LG and Samsung declined to comment to Ars Technica about how much of their respective company’s business is ad sales. But the deals they’ve made with data-collection firms signal big interest in turning their products into lucrative smart TVs. In this case, “smart” isn’t about Internet connectivity but rather how well the TV understands its viewer.

We’re literally turning into an Idiocracy

Screenshot from Idiocracy where Dax Shepard is sitting in the chair watching OW! MY BALLS! and the actual viewing area is a tiny square in the middle of a giant screen, surrounded by a bunch of dumb ad banners

Late night hangs

I can’t think of anything I love more than the dead of night. I don’t know what it is, specifically. I used to think it was because that’s when all the parties happen, but the older I get the more I realize I didn’t even like raging with big groups of people in the first place.

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Mozilla’s New Logo Brings Back the Dinosaur Mascot (Kinda)

It could be viewed as a flag on a pole. Sort of like Mozilla planting its values in the ground to say “we’re here, come join”.

But it’s more likely a nod to the original Mozilla mascot (inherited from its Netscape beginnings), which was a red dinosaur (an interesting logo of itself as it was designed by Shepard Fairey who created other seminal design works, and the skate brand OBEY).

I’m a sucker for throwback design language and ASCII doodles. Wonder if this will stick?

Old Mozilla logo on the top left, with an arrow pointing to the new typography and logo on the right. The background is an iridescent rainbow pattern. Source: omgubuntu.co.uk

Trump Once Compared Avoiding STDs to His ‘Personal Vietnam’

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam. We have our own Vietnam. It’s called the dating game,” he said during a discussion of Trump’s well-publicized germaphobia and the ongoing AIDS epidemic.

“It’s pretty dangerous out there…It’s like Vietnam,” Trump said earlier in the interview.

I don’t envy the people working at Snopes since Trump entered politics. It must feel like writing for the Onion

I don't really like Fridays

I’m sick at home with covid and, coincidentally, this is the first weekend I’ve had off in as long as I can remember. Usually Fridays are my Monday and Wednesday and Thursday is my weekend.

I like it that way. If I have to go get a haircut, I’m in and out within 20 minutes at 2pm on a Wednesday. There’s never a crowd at the grocery store, or traffic even. Not that I’m really running errands today, all things considered.

I always hated having weekends off. There’s nothing good on TV, all the news sites I read are radio silence. Nothing ever happens on weekends.

Related: NOFX - Thank God it’s Monday

Imported all my posts from Bear Blog 👀 I’m all in on Micro.blog now. It was too much having an entirely separate website just for longer posts.

The Scent Of UX: The Unrealized Potential Of Olfactory Design

Odors may not replace textbooks and lectures, but their addition will make remembering and recalling things significantly easier. In fact, researchers from MIT built and tested a wearable scent-emitting device that can be used for targeted memory reactivation.

This makes me uncomfortable o_O

Let this tiny bean bag chair for your lap hold your heavy handhelds

Doomscrolling isn’t going away any time soon, but there’s no reason you can’t be comfortable while doing it. Mechanism’s $59 Gaming Pillow is designed to shift the weight of gadgets like handheld consoles, tablets, XL smartphones, and e-readers from your arms to your lap

Honestly this looks useful but I’m too proud to own something called a “gaming pillow” lol

Friday is my Monday 😩 but I don’t work until noon tomorrow so it’s also kind of my Friday

Speed is my enemy

When I deliberately try to think and move more slowly, things happen faster. That sounds like a contradiction, but not having to rewrite words or clean up spills makes everything move along at a more consistent pace. And I don’t swear as much.

I feel this so much! If I slow down and focus on one task at a time I make mistakes a lot less. When I start running short on time and try to rush through everything, I end up spending more time correcting stuff than if I would have just gone at a steady pace and let myself breathe. Slow and steady wins the race 🐢

Really liking the redesigned Reeder TestFlight. It doesnt pull the full article like Unread or Reeder 5 on feeds that only show summaries but the support for Micro.blog and Mastodon is pretty nice

Overthinking: a self-inflicted scam

I’m bad about overthinking. Like obnoxiously bad.

I can never leave well enough alone because I start thinking about what I should have done or how I can do the same thing, only better.

Then a few days later I’ve forgotten all about whatever it was and I’m already overthinking the next thing.

It’s a self inflicted scam. We’re constantly learning new things and getting better at the things we already know through repetition. So I end up in a perpetual battle against myself that I can’t win. I guess I can’t really lose, either.

Don't meet your heroes: Mr. Beast edition

I keep getting sucked into watching the Mr. Beast drama that’s been going on for the last few weeks. Ava Tyson was called out for sending inappropriate Discord messages to minors and since then more and more former employees are coming out and revealing all sorts of greasy stuff about what goes on behind the scenes over there.

I don’t even watch their videos but it’s been so interesting to see it unfold because it’s the most beloved and successful YouTube channel to ever exist. I feel like it’s one of those “don’t meet your heroes” scenarios. If you look into the personal lives of celebrities, you might find a lot of sketchy or downright repulsive behavior.

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A few pics I took at the Blink 182 show in Columbus tonight. Tom had a cold so Mark sang a lot of the songs. Travis even sang one. At one point they had this girl from the audience get on stage to sing First Date and she ended up knowing none of the words lol I felt so bad for her 😬

Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda says it’s okay if we end up marrying AI chatbots

For some people, it means marriage, it means romance, and that’s fine. That’s just the flavor that they like. But in reality, that’s the same thing as being a friend with an AI. It’s achieving the same goals for them: it’s helping them feel connected, they’re happier, they’re having conversations about things that are happening in their lives, about their emotions, about their feelings.

I can’t help it, this is the first thing that comes to mind:

Co-Founder of DDoSecrets Was Dark Web Drug Kingpin

A co-founder of transparency activism organization Distributed of Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) was a dark web drug kingpin who ran the successor to the infamous Silk Road marketplace and was later convicted of child abuse imagery crimes.

Whoa. I guess even transparency advocates can have their own gross secrets