
    Speed is my enemy

    When I deliberately try to think and move more slowly, things happen faster. That sounds like a contradiction, but not having to rewrite words or clean up spills makes everything move along at a more consistent pace. And I don’t swear as much.

    I feel this so much! If I slow down and focus on one task at a time I make mistakes a lot less. When I start running short on time and try to rush through everything, I end up spending more time correcting stuff than if I would have just gone at a steady pace and let myself breathe. Slow and steady wins the race 🐢

    Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda says it’s okay if we end up marrying AI chatbots

    For some people, it means marriage, it means romance, and that’s fine. That’s just the flavor that they like. But in reality, that’s the same thing as being a friend with an AI. It’s achieving the same goals for them: it’s helping them feel connected, they’re happier, they’re having conversations about things that are happening in their lives, about their emotions, about their feelings.

    I can’t help it, this is the first thing that comes to mind:

    Co-Founder of DDoSecrets Was Dark Web Drug Kingpin

    A co-founder of transparency activism organization Distributed of Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) was a dark web drug kingpin who ran the successor to the infamous Silk Road marketplace and was later convicted of child abuse imagery crimes.

    Whoa. I guess even transparency advocates can have their own gross secrets

    Elon Musk Slammed for Filling Orbit With Space Junk

    SpaceX has launched over 6,000 Starlink internet satellites into low-Earth orbit, and is planning to bring that total to as many as 42,000 in the upcoming years.

    Regulation hasn’t caught up with commercial entities like SpaceX building out mega-constellations in an increasingly cluttered orbit, as Wired reports, making what happens to these satellites when they’re retired an unknown.

    Maybe we’ll see the first Dyson sphere one day. Only instead of a megastructure around the sun, it’s just Elon’s trash enveloping the entire planet

    Nova Launcher, savior of cruft-filled Android phones, is on life support

    …when mobile app metrics firm Branch acquired the popular and well-regarded Nova Launcher for Android, the app’s site put up one of those self-directed FAQ posts about it. Under the question heading “What does Branch want with Nova?,” Nova founder and creator Kevin Barry started his response with, “Not to mess it up, don’t worry!”

    This is pretty sad. When I still had an Android phone this was the only launcher I ever used. One of the first apps I ever paid for, all the way back on Android 4.0

    The company has its roots in the very dirtiest kinds of Bitcoin mining. Its top execs (including CEO Paul Prager) were involved with Beowulf Energy LLC, a company that convinced struggling coal plant operators to keep operating in order to fuel Bitcoin mining rigs. There’s evidence that top execs at Terawulf, the “carbon neutral” Bitcoin mining op, are also running Beowulf, the coal Bitcoin mining op.

    mining coal to burn for the sake of mining bitcoin is the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day…

    Reddit CEO Steve Huffman hinted at “new types of subreddits that can be built that may have exclusive content or private areas.”

    We’ve had versions of premium community features in the past, like r/goldlounge, that users loved, so we’re exploring new ways to empower moderators and communities to try exclusive spaces and content"

    I tried Reddit gold a few months ago and there was almost no activity in r/goldlounge lol but sure; adding more paywalled subreddits is probably a good idea 🥴…

    I don’t think OpenAI really cares about false positives with text watermarking lol they just don’t want to lose paying customers

    99.9 percent accuracy sounds like a lot, but imagine that one among 1,000 college papers was falsely labeled as cheating. That could lead to some unfortunate consequences for innocent students.

    A [WSJ] survey of ChatGPT users showed that as many as 30 percent said they would stop using ChatGPT if its output was watermarked.

    “This landmark decision holds Google accountable,” DOJ antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter said in a statement. “It paves the path for innovation for generations to come and protects access to information for all Americans.”

    As if Google will face any real consequences other than paying some fines and getting back to business as usual 🙄…

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