About those UFOs over DC...
The UFOs over the the US Capitol definitely contain artifacts, just not alien artifacts.
The New York Post and Daily Mail both posted stories about these mysterious lights over Washington DC and a lot of people are actually talking about it like this means aliens.
I mean it makes sense, considering the congressional hearings we’ve been having about this stuff lately. Could this be first contact? I’ll even admit I have this silly little fantasy of some highly intelligent alien race swooping down to save us from complete societal collapse, but that’s not what this is.
A photography YouTuber called Penguinsix flew to DC recently and he was actually able to capture the same phenomena:
Spoiler alert: the strange craft are nothing more than camera artifacts from the lights in front of the building. The second set of craft were definitely flying objects, but I’m afraid they’ve been identified as commercial jets landing at the runway that’s literally right down the road.
I want to believe, there’s just no reason to. At least not so far (in all of recorded history.)