Average millennial living life on the edge (of the Midwest). Probably too immature for but I like it here.
Right side of the bed
Some of my best days start out absolutely horrible. Some of my worst days start out feeling like everything is going perfect.
I drank too much last night and woke up with the worst hangover. I was dreading work. I knew I was going to have a bad day. No one to blame but myself, but still.
Then I had a big rush of customers in the morning and next thing I know it’s already 2pm and I’ve made a decent amount of commission. Didn’t have a single bad customer, everyone was super chill. Now I’m just hanging out, relaxing in the back. I don’t even care if I get another customer today. I already blew my goal out of the water.
Today ended up nothing like I thought it would this morning. Don’t judge a day by what side of the bed you got up from.