I know I was being a little facetious when I said Elon is president, but damn Claude lol

A statement clarifies misconceptions about the current state of affairs, mentioning Joe Biden as President in March 2025 and addressing political issues.

A post about nicotine

I started smoking cigarettes when I was about 16 years old. My dad started when he was eight. His dad probably came out of the womb with an unfiltered Pall Mall hanging out of his mouth.

Picked up a R36S handheld emu

I’m holding a R36S emulator console. It’s transparent black with a d-pad on the left, two analog sticks, three buttons in the center and your standard A/B X/Y buttons to the right. On-screen is Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets for SNES.

Picked up a R36S emulator console at a local video game place while my Switch was getting serviced last week.

Had to splurge a little with St. Patrick’s day coming up ☘️🍻

A bottle of Tullamore Dew 12-year-old Irish Whiskey is displayed against a blurred background.

I’ll see a completely unhinged headline and almost start freaking out and then I’m like oh; that was all the way from yesterday, we’re already onto the next absolutely insane thing the oligarchy is cooking up

Swedish and Danish news not holding back

Screenshot of Swedish news channel. It’s a still of Putin, and it says “Vladimir Putin: President USA”

Screenshot from Danish news channel; it has a photo of Putin and it says “Vladimir Putin, Præsident, USA”

[via Reddit]

Making lemonade

I’ve REALLY been tuning everything out and succumbing to my addictive personality since I bought an OLED Switch last month.

I’ve been obsessed with metroidvanias since I played through Aggelos. My next obsession was Blasphemous. I bought 1 & 2 and I’m about 80% through the first one so far. I needed more though, so I picked up 9 Years of Shadows and Metroid Dread.

Then I woke up this morning and my Switch got stuck charging at 17% so I figured a restart might fix it. Well it definitely shut off, but now it just hangs at the Nintendo logo and shuts back off. Like it’s not even a boot loop, it just starts to boot and then dies.

SoOoOo I had to file a warranty claim and mail the fucker back to Nintendo to get repaired.

It’ll take a couple weeks to get it back and that’s what made me realize how utterly obsessed I’ve been! I think it’ll be good to have a video game detox for a couple weeks lol I’ve been immersed in the fucking thing for the last month.

The Return of Digg, a Star of Web 2.0

It was 2009. Ish. I had a modded original Xbox plugged into a 29" CRT TV sitting on top of a dresser in my bedroom. I used a content aggregator called Navi-X to stream everything from TV shows like Lost to random internet radio stations.

I never missed a new episode of Diggnation.

Reddit was this weird 90’s looking website that I didn’t really understand. It was too big and bland.

Digg.com was where I spent my time online, doomscrolling via click wheel mouse on an old HP Pavilion running an ancient version of Ubuntu.

Eventually Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht announced that Diggnation was coming to an end. They’d both been moving on to bigger and better things over the years, and Kevin eventually decided it was time to sell Digg and move on.

For a few weeks nothing really changed, then it kinda shifted from a community where people share links that get up/down voted like Reddit into a privately aggregated link blog that shared the most popular stories from around.. probably Reddit and Twitter or something.

I was stoked a few months ago when Kevin and Alex reunited to do a few new episodes of Diggnation! Kevin half jokingly said he’d be open to buying back Digg.com if the owner was interested in selling.

Apparently they were! It’s going to be interesting to watch it unfold. Definitely getting hit with some nostalgia right now.

You can sign up for the waitlist at reboot.digg.com

Well I guess the silver lining with Trump and Putin’s new romance is that it’s only a matter of time before he does something to piss Putin off and gets thrown out of a window 🤞

🔗 Kagi, search tips

Just 16 companies are responsible for the majority of the SEO enshittified websites that fill your search results with crap. You can use the Ublacklist extension to block them from appearing in Google or, better yet, use Kagi which can natively exclude them. codeberg.org/bbbhltz/16Compani

Better Internet Searches | Linkage

I’ve been using Kagi on and off for a while now. I’ve been pretty hardcore about it lately though; it’s so much better than Google and they give you complete control over the results you see when you search for something.

Anyway, really good post by Lou Plummer. He also posted his blocklist for Kagi too if you partake.

Ohio Senate passes bill to change marijuana law

The weed here is already overpriced garbage compared to Michigan. I guess they just wanna see all of the business go back there again O.o

I’ve been disconnecting and playing a lot of retro indie games lately.

Faves so far have been:

Annnd looking at Deltarune: Chapters 1 & 2 after I finish Sea of Stars. I think there’s a new chapter coming out sometime this year?

Definitely lots of good 90s style games coming out in the last few years!

Sea of Stars is like a mix between Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG but it’s definitely not a ripoff of anything. Super cool story line and beautiful pixel art.

Aggelos is a Metroidvania that reminds me of Zelda 2: Link’s Adventure and shares sidescroller RPG elements from two underrated classics - Dragon View and Actraiser. My absolute favorite thing about it is that your character actually changes appearance when you unlock each new sword and armor. The super technical maneuvers and combos you need to use are fucking infuriating at times but it’s becoming one of my all time favorites.

Dusk is reminiscent of all the classic shooters like Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem/Shadow Warrior, Rise of the Triad, etc. Definitely brings a lot of its own mechanics and style to the table but it feels super nostalgic if you used to play old school shooters.

I’m always looking for modern retro stuff that looks good on the OLED Switch! Let me know if you have any suggestions 😋

GIF of two posters: one is of Donald Trump and it has his MAGA slogan on it, the other is Elon Musk with an “America First” tagline. When the camera pans across, it changes to a reference to the movie They Live. trumps says “Make billionaires richer” and elons says “Billionaires first” and they’re both the skeletons from the movie they live.

Found on Reddit

Is Intel in trouble? How struggling chipmaker’s financial issues may impact Ohio factories

Everyone hyped this up so much and now Intel is falling way behind schedule and generally doing terrible as a company lol things come to Ohio to die 💁

Just paid off the last of my credit card debt. I’ve been so stressed about it for so long I don’t think my nervous system has caught up to reality yet 😅 still feels like I have all these pointless bills that are going to wipe me out every couple weeks.

Stellantis Introduces Pop-Up Ads in Vehicles, Sparking Outrage Among Owners

Here’s some stupid news that isn’t related to politics: pop up ads are coming to a vehicle near you! (It’s a Jeep thing)

Spider update

I haven’t posted a whole heck of a lot about my pinktoe tarantula since I got it.

I’ve been working six days a week for what feels like an eternity, but I finally got a couple days off and I was able to hang out with the little guy for a bit.

I mist the enclosure with a spray bottle every couple of days and he cant resist drinking water off of the screen. He comes running every time he hears me.

edit: video quality is kinda janky, here’s a better upload on bsky

Auto-generated description: A spider is seen on a mesh surface near a glowing light, with some greenery nearby.

Generic post about wanderlust

I regret that I haven’t traveled much so far. I’ve never been outside the United States. Hell, I’ve never even been to a blue state before. That didn’t even dawn on me until I started thinking about it just now.

There is so much awesome culture around the world but for most Americans, we act like this is the only place you ever need to be. Rootin' tootin', cowboy hat wearin', gun shootin', in god we trust ‘Merica. It’s the only place in the world that blue eyed, blonde haired, white baby Jesus really cares about.

I want to go to Europe, and China, and South America. Even just Canada would be a nice little trip. It’s like the USA if the USA didn’t have a parasitic brain worm.

I hope I can get my shit together enough to see more of the world before I get too old.

Faith in karma

I’m not religious, but I have to believe some kind of karma exists out there. Even if it’s just the consequences of a few billionaires' shitty actions.

Even the most gullible, brainwashed conservatives will eventually have to realize how bad they’re being fucked by their daddy in chief. You can only suck up to a bully so much before you realize it’s not benefiting you in any way anymore.

Or maybe they’re all just masochists, I don’t know.