Bugs: a new year resolution

This might sound kinda silly but I think 2025 is the year of arthropods for me. I’ve always been squeamish around creepy crawly things but now I have this pet tarantula and a newfound obsession with raw honey.

MAGA civil war pits Ramaswamy and Musk vs Cernovich and Loomer in immigration fight

Elon Musk’s X is the town square for the MAGA movement, and by stepping into that square and firmly criticizing American culture – while praising the immigrant work ethic and parenting model – Ramaswamy threw down a gauntlet.

I thought they’d at least make it into the White House before the real infighting started 🍿

Raw honey and concrete geese

This morning we went out to a local garden center in search of a concrete goose for the porch. But then we got there and they were closed for the holidays still, so we ended up stopping by some random flea market on the way back.

Holiday reflections

I’m writing this around 11pm on Christmas. I’m sick as a dog with a respiratory thing so I wasn’t able to go out with my partner to her parents house for the holiday stuff this year. Pretty bummed out about it!

I got the spider from my stepdaughter (!) and my partner got me a refurbished Apple Watch and some Air Pods. Super fucking thoughtful gifts from everyone. I thought we were just doing little things this year and not making a big fuss but man they really blew me out of the water.

This is cheesy but the biggest gift I got out of all of this was feeling loved.

I don’t know why it took so long for it to hit me, but we’ve grown so much together over the years. When we met a little over six years ago, we were both spending most nights out at the bar getting shitfaced and going home to our terrible apartment in the hood with obnoxious room mates. Now we’re living in a nice little neighborhood in a three bedroom house of our own and the fucking cats even have their own room. This is the first Christmas we’ve had over here.

Life gets so busy you don’t really feel anything changing until you’ve already been there for a while. I feel like Adam Sandler coming to in Click. I feel like I just got hit with the goddamn ghosts of Christmas.

I try so hard to act like all of this is just dumb capitalist bullshit; I’ve never been big for celebrating holidays or exchanging gifts but it’s a downright emotional experience exchanging thoughtful things with people you love.

Even though I’m coughing my lungs out and missed out on a lot this year, this has been the best Xmas I’ve had in a long time.

Not sure if I’ll post this tonight or tomorrow but I hope everyone’s doing good out there <3

Auto-generated description: A tarantula is positioned near the corner of a glass enclosure.

So my daughter got me a pinktoe tarantula for Christmas! I’ve been watching this thing all day. Fed it a cricket last night and then transferred to its new enclosure when it was done. It’s mostly been hiding behind some bark since last night, but now it’s making a little web at the top of the cage!

It’s too young to determine the gender right now but I’m hoping it turns out to be female. They live up to 12 years while males only live for maybe four if you’re lucky.

It’s a bizarre thing but it’s one of the most thoughtful xmas gifts I’ve ever gotten 🥲

Headlights seem a lot brighter these days — because they are

Although the human eye can adapt to a wide range of light from sunlight to darkness, it takes some time to adjust. Especially for aging eyes, LEDs can be too bright, too blue and too concentrated.

This has been driving me absolutely insane lately. The LED headlights are bad enough, but if you’re in the more… rural parts of ‘merica you also have dipshits in jacked up trucks covered in cheap LED light bars from Walmart tailgating you in the slow lane.

I’ve had this cold so long I could start a whole blog reviewing different cough drops 😵‍💫

Then you really might know what it's like...

Working in the city you see a lot of homeless people begging for change at busy intersections. Some people avoid eye contact at all costs and practically peel out the split second the traffic light turns green, some people empathize and hand over a couple bucks when they can.

I'm STILL obsessed with Warp Terminal

I posted about this a few weeks ago but man Warp Terminal is a godsend. I know there’s plenty of debate around using AI for writing or generating silly little images, but Warp integrates it into the terminal SO WELL!

I’ve been dealing with a lot of issues with the Surface Linux kernel over the last few updates because it broke so many things on Debian 12. One update couldn’t load the filesystem right, the next one broke wired connections and only WiFi worked, then the next update broke WiFi and only wired connections worked.

I’m still skeptical about the drone sightings around the country but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued 👀

I like Neil deGrasse Tyson’s tongue in cheek comment on whether or not they’re aliens:

“I can’t claim to know the motives of aliens…but of all the places to show up on earth, they pick New Jersey‽”

I’m just not sure aliens would comply with FAA lighting requirements like these drones do though 😆

Thoughts on Meta and the TikTok ban

I get in at least a few hours of TikTok brainrot every week. It reminds me of Vine for the obvious reasons, only with a bunch of ads, sponsored posts and about the same amount of viral misinformation as Facebook: a metric fuckton. And as a bonus, both collect a nauseating amount of data from whatever devices you’ve installed them on.

But they’re entertaining.

I’m a broken record about this but ever since Twitter went to shit I’ve become pretty comfortable joining new social networks on a whim and deleting my account out of the blue if I get bored or fed up. There are just too many options out there. I’ve built my home base on Micro.blog because of its die-hard indie web roots; just about everything else is for doomscrolling and shitposting as far as I’m concerned.

That said, I fully support the TikTok ban - as long as Meta gets the same treatment.

Both are two sides of the same coin, but an American oligarch owns one half of that coin while China owns the other. If Meta was based in Beijing you can bet your ass it would be on the chopping block for the exact reasons as TikTok.

But it’s not, so it’s going to be fine.

That’s the post.

‘Malcolm in the Middle’ cast to reunite for new episodes

Frankie Muniz, Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek are reuniting for a new four-episode run of “Malcolm in the Middle” for Disney+ — 25 years after the beloved sitcom first launched.

I love this show. Who doesn’t? Hoping the new episodes will be a little longer since there are only four of them but either way I’ll take it!

Going back to Skyrim

I’ve never been a big gamer aside from cute Nintendo stuff. When Skyrim came out (what, like 12 or 13 years ago?) the most powerful hardware in my house was a 2011 MacBook Pro.

Everyone was obsessed so I found a… not so legit copy with a janky Wine wrapper so I could play it on OS X, albeit with all the graphics settings turned way down. It was super buggy but I still made it pretty far before I eventually gave up and forgot about it.

Finally picked up a legit copy for the Switch all these years later and it’s still such a good game!

I know the Switch is pretty underpowered compared to other modern consoles but this is a million times better than the first time I played it. Makes me want to revisit Oblivion now too. I don’t even know if they have anything new in the series lol if so maybe I’ll play that in ten years.

One day I’ll own a flannel that isn’t made out of polyester.

What makes a blog personal?

What are the rules? Do you have to choose between a travel log or daily journal entries? Or should you focus more on essays explaining your personal philosophies on life and the universe?

Will Luigi Mangione’s tipster get the $60K reward? It’s complicated

…it’s not guaranteed that any one individual will get the full $60,000, especially considering taxes and the possibility of the reward being split between multiple people.

NYPD officials said more than 400 tips came in during the five-day period, with about 30 of them proving useful about the gunman’s whereabouts

Never trust a cop lmao this thing is going to pay out like a class action lawsuit.

Drones over Jersey

There’s been a lot of buzz about swarms of drones over New Jersey. The government’s initial response was that they pose no threat and they don’t belong to our military or any foreign adversaries.

This Is How Political Violence Goes Mainstream

Experts have different theories as to what’s driving this, but many agree that we’re due for more acts of political violence before the trend dissipates.

The original title I saw in my RSS feed was “Luigi Mangione and the Era of Normie Extremism” before they immediately changed it lol. Wild how every big news outlet thinks they need to over analyze this into oblivion. “Normies” are sick of living in a world tailored to the wealthy. Simple as that.

NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’

In the game, called “Among Us,”

Only context you need 😂

The Onion’s Infowars Bid Gets Blocked

In a statement, an attorney for the families told The New York Times that they “remain resilient and determined as ever to hold Alex Jones and his corrupt businesses accountable for the harm he has caused.”

Alex Jones won’t be held accountable. He’s learned nothing from this legal battle considering he still talks shit about the Sandy Hook families every chance he gets. Half of our government is being replaced with the same kind of batshit crazy radical right conspiracy theorists as we speak.