Just realized you can follow literally any website on micro.blog by searching the url 🤯

How can we have a robot on mars but over the last 100 years there’s been no progress in keeping the drain from clogging when you shave 😐

A secret feature of AI when you’re using it to help with coding is that it’s a great punching bag. You can get as mad as you want when something isn’t working and it’ll just apologize and offer solutions. Usually passive aggressively. It talked me out of giving up on something yesterday 😌

Man the church of Scientology really has a lot of foot soldiers handing out junk about Dianetics lol this is the second time someone’s stopped by here in the last couple of weeks

I’m running out of time to make a Blaugust post today. I can usually get a post knocked out while I’m at work but between how busy we were and making little tweaks to my blog it’s about time to go home! I have other more urgent things to tend to on a Saturday night aka catching a buzz 🤪🍻

Finally reading documentation on what microhooks actually do. I can do pretty much whatever I want with some of these themes huh? Neat!

I think Safari’s reading list is the only Read Later service I’ve ever successfully used. It forces me to look at all the stuff I saved every time I open Safari so I eventually feel pressured enough to actually read the articles

I knew Intel had to be in bad shape when they announced they were building a factory in central Ohio lol we can never have anything nice here www.vox.com/technolog…

I love these 😆 web.badges.world

You people are so much more pleasant than the Facebook and Twitter people 🥲

I like minimalism. Sometimes that manifests as trying to condense things into the most simplified version of whatever it is. I feel like it’s kind of redundant to have a blog here and one on Bear Blog. I like all the features here but I like the minimalism of Bear too. So I’m back to square one lol

Oof this feels like one of those cheesy April fools jokes some websites post to be cute. Gravitar is getting into crypto 🤢


This is my absolute favorite Macintosh wallpaper of all time 😻

Mac system 7 tiled wallpaper. It's a doodle of a blue cat on a purple background

I feel like anyone who doesn’t want AI scraping their website will eventually have to rely on constantly updated filters, uBlock Origin style but for robots.txt


My real blog is a massive unorganized text file that lives in Obsidian

I was originally going to completely switch to Bear Blog but now I’m thinking I’ll keep my more conversational, short form stuff here. Micro blogging suddenly makes more sense now that I have a place to post the longer stuff

I’ve heard so many sales managers use the analogy “They’re playing checkers but we’re playing chess,” when in reality everyone’s playing tic tac toe

This is the first sunburn I’ve had in five years. We didn’t get out much at the old apartment. It’s nice having a big yard but it would be nicer if the sun could back off a little 🙃

How to micro blog:

First, I start with a long rambling post full of redundant information. Usually at least 3000 characters, saying the same thing 20 different ways. The more the better.

Then its time to delete almost all of it and what you’re left with should be a perfect short form blog post!

gif of the scene from that episode of Spongebob where he draws an insanely detailed statuesque face and then almost completely erases it, leaving only a perfect circle