I was originally planning on making my root domain a static landing page/hub kinda thing but I changed it back to my Micro.blog site since I’m most active here. Instead of an about page, I added a link in my nav to the “hub” subdomain where my socials, bio and a longform blog live on omg.lol.
I really liked this video essay. The author draws parallels between simulation theory and our always connected, perpetually online world.
I’m always a little overwhelmed switching DNS records around and changing the design of stuff but it’s exciting too. Gives me a little project to work through and keep me occupied for a while. It gets boring after a while when everything works perfect and there’s nothing to do but write!
Started restructuring my site and messing around with DNS settings again. Stuff might be a little wonky until I get that all sorted out o.O
You know what I hate about YouTube’s algorithm? Any time you hit the Back button or end up on the home page after watching something, it populates with videos and after three or four seconds it re-loads the entire page with different videos. You will never find the one you were about to watch o.O
I thought I would dive into omg.lol a lot quicker but I think it’s going to be one of those weekend project kinda things. I’m not sure what vision I have for it at the moment, if any. I like it a lot though. Too much not to set something up there. I just have to figure out what that’s going to be 🤔
I like being able to put my icons wherever I want on iOS 18 but it’s a nightmare trying to reorganize them sometimes 😵💫
Started watching Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror on Max
A town of people slowly go insane over increasing obsessions with spiral shapes: patterns in the clouds, everyday objects, hair, insects, skin.
Currently reading: The Trouble with Being Born by E. M. Cioran 📚
We’ve been on this Irish whiskey kick for a while. Out of everything we’ve tried, this stuff is the cheapest by far and also the smoothest. It’s my new favorite ❤️🍻

I started using the Bear notes app on iPhone but I run Linux everywhere else so I still needed a good markdown editor for my laptop. Enter Apostrophe. Looks beautiful on my GNOME desktop and it’s just as minimal and simple as Bear. So many great alternatives on Linux 🐧
I’m obsessed with Rick and Morty: The Anime. I’m not big on anime, maybe it’s the complete disconnect from the original creators or just the fact that it’s a parallel storyline but it’s such a good series
I was always more of a Courtney Love fan. She gets blamed for Kurt’s death with no tangible evidence but Dave Grohl and the AIDS denialist garbage he pushes is directly responsible for thousands of deaths
I’ve always been one of those people who use ‘lol’ too much but I’m also one of those people who laugh too much in real life. My awkward and excessive laughing falls somewhere between Kitty Forman and Kamala Harris, I think.
Watching Star Trek: The Original Series for the first time ever. Will update in a couple weeks lol 🖖
Jobs should have surprise paid days off every once in a while. Especially on Tuesdays. (I wanna go home)
The blockchain is like digital COVID. We couldn’t stop it because people kept exposing themselves to it and it grew out of control, so now we just have to coexist with it online