I only watched like 20 minutes of that UAP congressional hearing but I think I can summarize most of it:

whistleblower: we have reason to believe that UAP’s are real and may be alien craft
someone in congress: do you have any proof?
whistleblower: well OBviously I have proof but I can’t show you

iPhone text prediction is so bad I think our only option at this point is to rewrite the entire English language to better align with how autocorrect wants us to talk.

It's like seeing a car crash from inside the car
The driver's got his head craned back he's telling you a joke
You see the bus on collision course
You point your arm and turn your head and wait for the impact
This is the feeling we learn to live with in North America
The morning headlines always accompanied with sweat and nausea...

I’m so fucking dazed I should probably try to wait at least 24 hours before posting anything. This shit is unreal.

I’m watching so many screens 😵‍💫 every election year I feel like I work for a 24 hour news network

Just got back from the polling station. Judging by the turnout of the early voters here I thought it would be packed but there was almost no one there. I was in and out in 10 minutes! Next step is obsessing over the TV until they announce that they won’t be able to announce the results tonight.

I’m holding a bottle of Bushmills Black Bush Sherry Cask Reserve

I love me some Irish whiskey 🍻

I’ve had AppleCare on this iPhone for almost a year and haven’t had to use it. I think it’s time to get my money’s worth and stop using a case

Haven’t seen a customer all day. I just ordered some lunch so I’m sure I’ll get busy as soon as I sit down to eat. I think this is what they mean by “you have to spend money to make money”

Any time I see bright but subtle gradients in web design it gives me flashbacks of sticking a magnet to an old CRT monitor

You ever publish something in the middle of the night when it’s nowhere close to ready?

Yeah, haha me neither 🥴

The amount of claims labeled satire that snopes.com even has to publish really puts the state of big social media into perspective

Starting out on Micro.blog after using regular social media for years is like going through digital detox. At first it’s quiet and feels pointless because you aren’t getting internet points, then next thing you know you’re annoyed that you can’t turn all of that stuff off everywhere else.

Screenshot of a Google AI summary of what order to play through Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. At the bottom, there’s a description of the game and I’ve highlighted the section where it says “Echoes of Wisdom is a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.

I know LLMs hallucinate but Google’s AI is straight up Hallucination as a Service 😆

I’m not a programmer but I think our diy monolithic point of sales/literally everything to do with the company software that stores everything in excel spreadsheets and gets beamed out to a bunch of Windows 7 thin clients is probably not the greatest or most secure way to do business

I’ve been using the new Reeder for a while now. Started back when it was TestFlight only and then bought the one year subscription when it was out of beta. It’s really polished and well done but I think I prefer having seperete apps for my feeds and social media. It’s too much having it all in one

My favorite things about omg.lol so far have definitely been the community itself and the little statuslog thing you can embed. I scrapped the idea of starting another blog over there just for the sake of starting another blog. Although I do like how it’s all set up. But Micro.blog already does everything I need it to do. Just the wrong timing on my part, I think. At $20 a year, it’s worth it just for the statuslog and mastodon server imo

Micro.blog and the Tiny Theme are a powerful combination

7/11’s seltzer water is much cuter than Liquid Death

A can of 7/11 brand Lemon & Lime sparkling water. The backdrop of the can is white with yellow and green text. It has some cute doodle art like a little duck, a lemon, and a smiling sun. There's a cheap decorative rug in the background.

I’m pretty good at starting a post, going off on a tangent and then forgetting what I was even writing about in the first place