Small scale is the best scale – Manu
I can’t help myself thinking that I’m getting to the point where the bigger you are the more unappealing you become to my eyes.And that’s true not just for social media platforms but for creators and personalities in general. I’m an absolute nobody in this world. My blog’s not famous, my work doesn’t spread around. And that’s a good thing. Because it means I can still do the things that matter and that is taking the time to interact with every single person that gets in touch with me.
I’ve been feeling this a lot lately too. You can have 1000+ followers somewhere and 99% of your interaction is Likes and Reblogs with little meaningful conversation, if any.
Or you can have five followers and make five legitimate friends.
Or maybe you have no idea how many followers you have, or how many people like your posts because you’re on something like That’s been the most rewarding and engaging community I’ve ever found online, and it does it without internet points. Small indie web communities are where it’s at <3