Apocalypse Now(ish)
Sometimes I wonder if anyone else shares the same views on “the end” as I do. I’m not trying to be edgy and I’m not a doomer or an accelerationist but with all the crazy shit going on in the world, it’s easy to imagine a doomsday scenario where we don’t have to pay bills or go to work anymore. There’s probably radioactive fallout and immense suffering involved, but you gotta weigh the positives and negatives, ya know?
Right now life feels like when the Walking Dead was a new blockbuster series and everyone was fantasizing about a zombie apocalypse. I think it’s already here, kinda. Only instead of actual hoards of undead roaming a barren wasteland, we’re the zombies working overtime and side gigs to survive in an economy where wages remain stagnant while corporations are reporting record profits and the cost of living continues to skyrocket.
In the US we’re facing an election between an insane dictator and an actual politician. One who isn’t even in her 80’s, to boot. It’s absurd that there’s even any question on who’s more qualified but we’re living in some pretty fucked up times.
Every tech company is trying to force-integrate AI into every facet of our lives while every AI company is trying to scrape as much personal and copyrighted data as possible - all at the expense of the global power grid and environment. Maybe it really is just fancy autocorrect or maybe it’ll end up turning itself into the next fleet of T-9000 units.
A sadistic part of me hopes a hard reset is coming in my lifetime. I’m not saying we need to go back to the stone age and be hunter gatherers with no technology or modern medicine, but we’re really out of fucking control. It would at least stop the planet from literally cooking us to death. Honestly I think a massive cataclysmic event is our only real chance at slowing global warming at this point.
Maybe it’s just the thrill of romanticizing the apocalypse. Our only reference is from movies and TV shows where the world is just a dilapidated shell of what it used to be but even 10 or 20 or 200 years later, there’s still plenty of fresh vacuum-sealed beef jerky, Twinkies and somehow unexpired antibiotics to keep us alive and comfortable while we run from the radioactive mutants.